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Heart Health

Heart Health

According to the World Health Organisation, cardiovascular disease – diseases of the heart and blood vessels - is the leading cause of mortality worldwide, accounting for more than 30% of all deaths. And 85% of those are due to heart attack or stroke. Sobering statistics, but the good news is that most cardiovascular disease is preventable if we make good lifestyle choices. 

In this article, we look at some of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease and explain what we can do to keep our hearts healthy and help to increase both the longevity and quality of our lives.

A healthy heart is a strong, efficient organ that pumps blood around our bodies. It has a regular rhythm, no structural abnormalities, and clear arteries (the tubes that carry blood from the heart to our brains and the rest of our bodies). 

What affects heart health?

There are six big risk factors that can have a negative impact on our heart health.

High blood pressure:  Blood pressure is the pressure of blood in our arteries, and it rises and falls throughout the day as blood moves around our bodies. If blood pressure is always too high – a condition also known as hypertension - the heart has to work much harder to pump blood. Over time, the arteries can become stiff and narrow, making it easier for fatty material to build up and cause blockages, potentially leading to heart attack or stroke. Most high blood pressure is caused by poor diet and lifestyle, or medical conditions.

High cholesterol: Cholesterol is a natural fatty substance in our blood that’s produced in the liver. It’s also found in animal-based foods such as red meat, poultry, fish and dairy.  Cholesterol helps to keep the cells in our bodies healthy, but too much of it in the blood for too long can clog the arteries and lead to heart attack or stroke. 

Smoking: Smoking is one of the worst things we can do for our health. The chemicals in cigarettes make the walls of our arteries sticky, leading to a build-up of fatty material that restricts blood flow and increases the risk of blood clots, heart attack and stroke. Smoking also reduces the amount of oxygen in our blood and raises both heart rate and blood pressure.

Diabetes: Diabetes is a condition that causes the sugar (glucose) levels in the blood to become too high. Glucose comes from the food we eat and is our body’s main source of energy. Its absorption and use is regulated by a hormone called insulin. In people with diabetes, insulin doesn’t work properly, leading to a build-up of blood glucose that can damage arteries. There are two kinds of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2. Scientists don’t know what causes Type 1, but Type 2 has been closely linked to poor diet and inactivity. 

Obesity: Being obese and carrying excess weight, particularly around the middle, can lead to fatty material building up in the arteries. It can also raise cholesterol and blood pressure and increase the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. 

Physical inactivity: The heart is a muscle and, like all muscles, needs regular physical activity to keep it strong and functioning properly. If we spend too much time sitting or lying down instead of moving around, our hearts won’t work as well as they should and we also increase our risk of developing high cholesterol, high blood pressure or Type 2 diabetes.

Looking after our hearts

There are many things we can do to look after our hearts so that they look after us as we age, ensuring that we stay well and full of vitality for as long as possible.

Eat a balanced, nutritious, whole-foods-based diet that incorporate carbohydrates, protein, fibre and healthy fats. Heart-healthy diets should include a rich variety of vegetables and fruit, nuts and seeds, legumes such as beans, chickpeas and lentils, olive oil, whole grains, and yoghurt or cheese (in moderation). For non-vegetarians, oily fish is a great source of Omega 3 essential fatty acids which are good for heart health. Supplementation might also be worth considering for extra support – click here to shop our heart healthy products.

Stay active, ideally by combining regular exercise like walking, running, swimming or cycling with strength training, but anything that gets us moving will be beneficial. Consistent exercise and other physical activity don’t just protect our heart, they can also alleviate stress, boost mood, help to manage weight, and ensure we get a good night’s sleep.

Have regular check-ups with a doctor to make sure that blood pressure and cholesterol are at healthy levels, and that any underlying conditions like diabetes are being monitored and properly managed.

Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, both of which can significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases.

Managing stress is a critical factor in maintaining good heart health. Chronic stress can raise heart rate and blood pressure and can cause too much inflammation in the body which in turn can lead to a build-up of fatty materials in the arteries. Relaxation techniques, proper sleep, maintaining strong social connections, and support from family, friends or health professionals can all help us to manage our stress levels.

EssentiaGlow offers a range of supplements that support heart health. Some of the best are: Beach Rose Hip, Coenzyme Q10 and Omega-3 Fish Oil.

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